Classmate in the Kitchen: Clare James on Dating Nationalities


Clare James is a prolific writer and award-winning journalist. She started her career in journalism, first in The Telegraph and then in the Daily Mirror. She graduated with a degree in journalism and English Literature and began her professional career as a television producer. During the making of “ARSENIA,” James served as a consultant for Channel 4 News Online in London.

When she was asked to write an article on dating for a British magazine, James was devastated by the lack of articles on the topic. She realized that the lack of female profiles on dating sites indicated that many women had nationalities, making it more difficult for potential single men from these nationalities to find a partner. This led her to begin writing articles about dating for British men. After several articles, including one on dating for Asian men, she was nominated for a freelance fellowship. This brought her to the attention of British Match, which began running a version of James’ column on its website.

Clare’s writing has appeared in numerous other publications, most notably “The New Statesman,” “Women’s Weekly” and “Thought Piece.” She has also become something of a celebrity, having appeared in a British film about dating in 2021. Her profile on the British national dating site is described as “a fun and light-hearted woman who like to explore all aspects of love and life.” In fact, she is so full of life and enthusiasm that a photograph on the website shows her smiling while riding a motorcycle, a picture that could be from any high school or college. As an online dating professional, James has experienced both success and disappointment.
