Claire Pallard


Claire Pallard is an Australian actress and model who has appeared in some films, including “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County”, as well as on several TV shows in the U.S.A. As an actress, her most notable roles have been those that deal with disabilities or with young children. Claire was born in Southern France, where she was brought up primarily by her French father and grandmother. Her parents later adopted the son of a British serviceman, and Claire began to show signs of a resemblance to British celebrities such as Enya and Jade Jagger long before she became an adult.

It was not until she was in her mid-twenties that Claire began to display more signs of her British accent and British personality. At the time of her marriage to Peter O’Brien, she began to display a new interest in height which would result in her having substantial changes in her stature when they were first married. As Claire’s interest in height continued, so did her bouts with depression, and she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder at the end of the seventies.

Claire Pallard has said that she feels very lucky in the sense that her short stature is a result of genetics, and that it does not handicap her. As she ages, the appearance of her facial features continues to change, although she is taking steps to improve her personality. She maintains a strong interest in fashion, and she is currently working as an editor for a lifestyle magazine. She has also contributed articles to several women’s magazines, and she is not a stranger to the red carpet scene, having visited many of the most prestigious locations in Los Angeles over the years.
