Claire Ana – A Book Review


Claire Ana is an acclaimed character in the world of mystery/thriller novels. Her life is full of mystery and intrigue as she works to solve the mysteries that haunt her every step along the way. Born and raised in Ireland, Claire Ana is a highly educated woman who has spent her entire life working hard in order to support herself and her family. When her father passes on, she leaves her country to pursue her dream of becoming a writer but everything is not as smooth as she expected. Working as a reporter for a prestigious news agency, she is assigned to track down a missing man from her past. The only clue he has left is a letter containing information about his Nationality – Irish.

In order to track down the man she calls “The Other Woman,” Claire uses all of her education, skills, and experience in order to unravel the identity of “The Other Woman.” But this task is made more difficult when she runs into another woman with ties to the mysterious man. Will Claire’s dream come true? Will she be exposed as the fraud that she is and will her nationalities separate her from finding her prince? These are just some of the many questions that this intriguing mystery novel answers.

This romantic book is written in the third person point of view. Unlike many other mystery novels where the author switches from first person to third person. The story is told through the perspective of the lead character, Claire Ana, who was raised as an Irish national. Her great, strong Irish heritage has allowed her to succeed in all aspects of her life and allows her to overcome all of life’s obstacles. Claire is truly a unique character who have a lot of wisdom and abilities that allow her to not only find her prince but also be able to overcome all of life’s challenges.
