Maria Antoulinaki – Tallest Woman of the World

Height or growth spurts in the human body are a result of several physical, emotional, and psychological processes. If a person’s height is increasing rapidly because of some sudden and inexplicable reasons, such as for getting into super-models or rock stars, it could be because of abnormal hormonal variation, neurological Continue Reading

A Pro Wrestler With An Off-Stream Career

Maria Kanellis-Bennett was born in Brooklyn, New York and is professionally known as Mary Louis Kanellis. She is an American pro wrestler, former independent wrestling champion, MTV personality, actress and singer who were previously working with Ring of Honor as a manager. In 2021, she went on to manage her Continue Reading

What Is A British Nationality?

Maria Thattil is a British national of Indian origin who was illegally allowed to reside in Pakistan after completing her deportation. She had been told by the British authorities that her national identity had been stolen by the IRA and therefore, her passport was automatically taken and she was forced Continue Reading

A Career in Tattooing?

Maria Trolle is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer living in Tyreso, near Stockholm. Her love for gardening acts like a strong thread to her artwork, with colorful vegetables, pants, and flowers providing inspirational daily inspiration-usually from her garden. Each work of Maria Trolle’s is a masterpiece in the making, Continue Reading

A Pakistani Woman Changing Her Name To American To Maintain Nationality And Height

Maria Kastani is a Pakistani American by birth, but was formerly known as Aliya Syed. Maria attended the University of Illinois at Champaign, but did not pursue her degree due to her marriage to an Iranian. She now identifies as a Muslim but was raised as a motionless person by Continue Reading

Maria Elizondo – Nationality, Age And Talent

Maria Elizondo, an actress from the sixties, is currently being cast for a leading role in the upcoming biopic “The Man Who Played Go” directed by Ridley Scott. She was born in Peru and at the age of thirteen, she is said to have undergone a profound conversion toward Catholicism. Continue Reading