How Does a Partner Look?

Mr. Lisa Masse is currently the Director of Business Development for an IT consulting company in Houston, Texas. Previously he served as a Marketing Executive for three different companies; where each company had different brands and overheads. This experience, along with his background in marketing and working with brand name Continue Reading

A Sports Love: A Profile of Lisa Brancati

Ms. Lisa Brancatisano, a tall and petite woman, was recently featured on the television show of “The New American Woman” as the triumphant former champion of the National Tall Women’s Hockey Association (NATWA). In fact, Ms. Brancatisano not only achieved her goal of becoming the first ever National Tall Women’s Continue Reading

The Nutrition Revolution by Lisa Novelle

When Lisa Novelle, a writer for the United States National Park Service, decided to quit her job as a biological anthropologist, she could not imagine the obstacles that lay in her way to finding a new vocation. Despite her strong enthusiasm for the National Park Service, Lisa was not able Continue Reading

Height Factor – A Nationality Factor

On the set of the National Geographic Show “Discovery Channel’s” Search Your Marriage, Lisa Lea, the tall one, shows a lot of promise. She proudly states that her great-grandmother was one of the last people in the United States to use the eight-inch height scale. Apparently, this made her feel Continue Reading

PhD Student Lisa Jean-Francois Becomes a Canadian Citizen

Recently, a lot of attention has been on the role of the Nationality in relationships. In a recent article by Dr. Steven Hendlin, he makes some interesting and valid points about Nationality in relationships. One thing that needs to be mentioned at this point is the very important point of Continue Reading

Sports Management – Inspiring Women in Sport

Lisa Sthalekar is a former Australian cricketer and national team coach. She has been a coach for the men’s and women’s teams since 1996 and is presently an analyst for the Channel Five commentary team. Prior to this she was a match referee and match commentator for the Australia Cricket Continue Reading

Understanding the Concept of Nationality – Is It Different Than Genealogy?

The question might be what is nationality anyway, and if one is not a citizen, does that make them less of a person? Lisa Carrington, author of “Nationality – The Essence of Being a Girl” certainly thinks there are differences regarding the four nationalities that make up America. She states Continue Reading

Do I Need to Be concerned About My Partner’s Height Or Nationality When Dating?

You probably saw “Lisa Rose” on those TV shows where women act like kids. They present themselves in a very childish manner and it is not a wonder that they get as many hits as they do. It would be great if people just treated each other with respect, but Continue Reading