Partnering With Emmy Winther on a Show With a Theme

Partnering with Nationality: When Partnering with Emmy Winther, it is important to first establish your target nationalities. Because you want the experience to be as authentic as possible, knowing where you will be traveling, what you will be doing and who you will be meeting will help you form the Continue Reading

Information Regarding Emmy Campbell

Emmy Campbell is a talented actress who has appeared on Broadway, Off Broadway and Off Network. Although her Broadway appearances were mostly ignored by the mainstream entertainment community, she was able to develop a strong film career playing many different characters in both mainstream and indie films. Her notable roles Continue Reading

An Emmy Winning Comedy Series Promotes Her Career

Emmy Rosam, a young actress of Indian descent, has been nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Comedy Series for the third year in a row. She is also currently promoting her second full-length comedy series for FX Networks. If you love to watch television and enjoy connecting with others Continue Reading

Nationality and Leadership in Media Interviews

Emmy Coates is a writer and public speaker who has been invited to speak at the Oprah Winfrey School of Leadership at Harvard University. She was born in Mississippi and she is presently an award winning author and public speaker who have multiple honors for her numerous works. Her notable Continue Reading

What Are The Differences Between What A Race And A Nationality When it Comes to Dating a Television Show Star?

What about Nationality? Emmy Agrama’s character in the first episode of Masters of Sex was a woman who was Hispanic, but went on to date Caucasian men. It was interesting to see someone who fit the stereotypical image of what a minority woman should look like and then go out Continue Reading