Dana Delorenzo & Peter Specter – Race, Class, Height and Gender

Dana Delorenzo is an American singer, actress, and former television producer. Born and raised in Southern California, she attended Peppermill High School and Pacific University. She is most notably known for her starring turn as Kelly Maxwell in the groundbreaking Starz horror-comedy’s Ash in Evil Dead as well as the Continue Reading

Meet the Woman Who Made Tattoo Art Popular in the USA

Dana Tanamachi is an artist and former journalist who create provocative and thought-provoking tattoo imagery. She was born in Ghana and educated in Britain. She lives in New York City. Dana has created work for corporations such as Nike, Reebok, Levi’s, Geico, Levi’s, Home Depot, Pottery Barn, Baskin Robbins, and Continue Reading

Open Range – A True Story of Love and Family by Dana Hallani

“Open Range,” by Dana Hallani, is the first in a series of books on tall women. The book’s very title is an allusion to a line from one of Huckleberry Finn’s popular stories: “The woods are calling and the woods are calling especially for the deep red, shiny hair of Continue Reading

Does Dana Ishaqat Relationship Mean nationality Or Age?

The term ‘Dana Ishaqat’ is used for describing an individual who is of Indian origin, belongs to the Bollywood sub caste and has a Pakistani nationality. This article will highlight on the issues surrounding the question of nationality. If you were born in Pakistan and have dual nationality, it might Continue Reading

The Collecting of Tapestries

Dana Awartani’s artwork is focused on women and their individual identities, portraying their beauty and grace through her embroidery and tapestry designs. She has been described by other tapestry artists as an “artists’ dream”. The age-old profession of stitching has served many people well throughout history, and the experience gained Continue Reading