Casey Drake


Casey Drake is a National Park Ranger and was promoted to this position after completing a two-year tour in Iraq. He went over there with three other men, and two of them had been married. While doing some routine inspections on a tent, they found a body belonging to an Afghan girl. They didn’t have any information on the person’s nationalities or their ages, but it was obvious that this woman was old. After doing some research, they learned that the woman was a dual national, probably a Pakistani and an Afghan, and that she may have come to the United States as an immigrant, which means that she would have been younger than twenty-one at the time of her death.

At first, Drake and his partner were upset and disappointed that they couldn’t find anything useful in the body. They had no idea that a lot of things can be found on an electronic document, called a dental crown, or in the United States immigration files. It turns out that there are a lot of records of missing people in the country, which are kept in immigration files. Another thing that the couple noticed was that there were several nationalities among the bodies. When they checked the records for Afghanistan, they found that there were two women, one of Pakistani descent, the other of Chinese descent.

The Pakistani national had two daughters, ages five and four. However, there were discrepancies between her age and the birth certificate records. It turned out that she was twenty-one years old when she died, which means that she had traveled to the United States under false pretenses.
