Career, Nationality And Age


For those who love the excitement and the thrills of life, Paola Tucunduva, a young lady of 21 years is not going to disappoint you. This lady is from Zambia and has been an assistant to the Director General of the Catholic Church in Luz Zambia. Having a background in accounting, this lady started her career as a secretary before she decided to take on a job as an assistant to the then Archbishop of Nairobi, Francis Antony. Having the experience of being a secretary, she became a manager of accounts and a secretary at the Catholic School in Kigali. Her promotion was announced by the Archbishop in August this year.

A native of Zambia, where she grew up, she has gone on to do an MBA and a PhD in social work at Victoria University. Her major was AIDS/HIV Prevention and Counseling. In her opinion, identity should be preserved intact even if it means pursuing a postgraduate degree. “I don’t think people realise how significant identity is and how much it affects our lives. It defines us as individuals and also sets us apart from others”.

Age is another factor which sets women aside. While some like to remain young and beautiful for their partner, most prefer older men who can contribute to their education and help with career. This is one reason why Paola Tucunduva has chosen to be an accountant. Age is definitely a deterrent but it shouldn’t be something which deter people like Paola. “People still admire me because of my age. I am grateful that people are looking up to me because I am very grateful to them”.
