Career History


Clare Ferguson is an author, solicitor and former journalist who has become one of the UK’s most respected public speakers around. Her talent as a writer has led to her gaining many awards including the Columnist of the year for 2021, the Telegraph Leading Writer of the Year for that year, and theesson Prize for 2021. She is also the founder of the Independent Syndicalist magazine and has presented several documentaries on politics, television, acting, race relations, sport and current affairs. She has repeatedly come under fire from sections of the press gallery for comments she has made regarding race and her personal sexuality. A staunch supporter of equal marriage, she was highly critical of David Cameron’s government’s treatment of gay people when in power, but she remained a staunch defender of their right to marry.

Clare Ferguson’s immense popularity stems from a few factors; her natural talent, her ability to stage and direct, and her high intelligence. She did not try to invent personalities as much as imitating famous characters she encountered in her career, or to over-personalize her characters to such an extent that they seemed to take on a life of their own. Her stature as a literary figure, and her association with the world of theatre, film and television, ensure that she has always maintained a degree of respectability in her profession. The fact that she is a woman is also a factor, as being female can enhance the perception of sexual appeal.

In 2021, she finally decided to tie the knot with her long term partner, Dan Jones, with whom she has been sharing a domestic life since they met in a theatre play in Edinburgh as undergraduates. The height difference which came about as a result of their engagement did not prevent them from carrying on with their life together, and they remain inseparable to this day. One of the strengths of having been engaged with another woman prior to settling into a marriage, is that Clare could take any interest in personal growth which both she and Jones enjoyed. They remain close friends, and this friendship has continued into their marriage.
