Career Focus: Marketing/Promotion โ€“ Marketing & Promotional Services


Violeta Scriu is an artist, an executive and a consultant; all in one person. She is also an accomplished teacher, mentor and writer and considered as one of the most sought-after speakers in the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) and other business associations. She is known for her unique and lucid presentations that are geared to helping people reach their full potential. For clients who are looking for a career that is flexible and requires creativity, flexibility and creativity are needed. Her career has spanned various industries and served a wide variety of clients including attorneys, media agencies, government agencies, retailers, businesses, nonprofits and hospitals.

Violeta Scriu first became interested in speaking in conferences and workshops as a speaker because she felt the need to express her personal views on a variety of topics related to her profession. After becoming very skilled at public speaking and gaining recognition as a master speaker from conferences around the world, she began traveling to different countries in search of new career prospects. She spoke at length at colleges and universities in order to develop her speaking skills. In addition, she spent several years as a board of directors for several non-profit agencies focusing on gender issues, poverty and other social issues.

After establishing a good reputation as a motivational speaker and motivational consultant, Scriu decided to take a much needed vacation. But before leaving on vacation, she received a call from her client. The client wanted Violeta Scriu to create a portrait of Violeta Scriu based on the words that the client had written in a letter. So Scriu gathered up her supplies and went to work creating this remarkable work of art. The result was a full-length, oversized calendar displaying the portrait of Violeta Scriu that can be found hanging in her home and used by her many clients.
