Career Development by Dana BBeers


In her new book, “Secrets of Success: A Lifetime of Secrets,” Dana Beers shares the insights from her 30-plus years of executive and leadership experience. The book provides an inside look at what it takes to navigate the ever-changing nature of today’s business environment. Beers offers practical advice on how to navigate through the changing business climate, as well as suggestions for cultivating personal relationships. With its focus on building relationships within a professional framework, this book is a valuable guide to helping professionals navigate their own careers.

Part of what makes “Secrets of Success” such a rewarding read is the way it synthesizes all of Beers’ research on successful people. Specifically, the book includes biographies of three legendary executive leaders: Walt Disney World’s founder, W. Clement Stone, and Enron CEO, Kenneth Lewis, as well as numerous others who are widely regarded as some of the best orators or leaders in their respective fields. The book also examines the enduring traits of those individuals who achieved significant success in different fields, as well as those with an average to below-average educational attainment, a low family income, and/or nationality. Beers gives several recommendations about how to overcome obstacles to success, as well as the value of being a “people person.”

In addition, Beers shares insights into how working at a high level will increase your chances of achieving financial success, regardless of nationalities, age, educational attainment, height, or gender. She teaches that successful career leadership involves a balance between a high degree of personal responsibility and organizational skills. In addition, she credits “thinking outside the box,” to contribute positively to an individual’s occupational satisfaction and productivity. As a result, it is possible for a person of any age to successfully pursue a career in management or an executive position today, as long as he or she has the right personality attributes. Additionally, this book provides hope for those who have been out of work for some time, due to a variety of factors, such as lay-offs, downsizing, health issues, and so on, as well as those entering the workforce for the first time.
