Can You Stand the Taller Man?


Isabela Huk is the most famous and well-known Thai actress, singer and dancer. Tall and lean, she has an enviable height and looks great in her clothes. In fact, you may say she looks even better in her thongs. Her height does not affect her career or social life as much as her looks, as she is already very popular thanks to her admirable body figure and personality.

Her official page on Facebook says that she is 5′ 7″, so it is pretty safe to assume that she is in the same height as the other members of her Facebook friends, except for maybe Park Siow Jin, who is officially 6′ 2″. The fact that her fans are calling her “Siu Ching” (Spinning Spider) is just one example of the jokes that they make about her height, which is funny because it is really not funny at all. No, in fact it makes her more mature and grown up because she seems to take her height seriously. That is why the real question here is not whether she will be able to maintain her current height, but will she be able to maintain her career and social life. The answer to this question is most likely yes, unless of course Park Siow Jin decides to quit the industry and become a movie star after getting bored with his acting career and trying out acting for the first time as an actor, something only the very luckiest of actors can expect to happen.

Isabela Huk is no shrinking violet when it comes to maintaining her own personal life and keeping active. She has made it clear on several occasions that she loves to be active and that she loves sports. Her website also makes it clear that she is very committed to her health and fitness as well as taking care of her partner. If there was any doubt left after reading this article, it is answered that Isabela Huk could keep fit and could very well outlast the rest of us, which is what really matters in a relationship, isn’t it? It seems to me that unless Park Siow Jin decides to quit acting, continue studying or whatever he is into, there is no reason why he cannot keep up a good relationship with his partner. He has been faithful to her till this day, so what could go wrong?
