Can You Reach Olivia Casanova?


Do you have an interest in trying to contact Olivia Casanova? If you’re interested in getting in contact with the famous, or at least famous for her era of fame, the first phone number to come to mind is probably the one she used to call to sign her contract with MGM. As with many famous people, though, Casanova’s publicist has advised her that she no longer has such a number. Does this mean that you can no longer contact her? It’s possible but not likely.

The important part of knowing whether you can contact her is not how you do it, but what kind of relationship you want to have with her. Do you want to be a literary agent or do you want to be her agent? Do you have a literary agent, or is she an agent who deals with more commercial clients? Do you want to be a publishing house’s first published author, do you want to be a celebrity, do you want to be a politician, a prizewinner, a philanthropist, a scholar, a philosopher, a psychiatrist? The same can apply to all kinds of professions and all kinds of people, really.

So, if you’ve been thinking about contacting her, what sort of relationship do you want to have with her? Would you like to be her agent, or do you want to be her publisher or do you want to be a celebrity? Knowing your own objectives helps to determine the kind of person you’re looking for.
