Can Eliana Aponte Rebuild Her Marriage?


When we talk about the Real Estate industry, one name frequently mentioned is Eliana Aponte. Recently we heard her on the “Today Show” talking about retirement. She was talking about how she was very sad at age 67 that she would not be able to practice law again. She had worked hard all her life in the real estate business and it was a huge part of her identity as a person. So it was disheartening to hear her say that she didn’t want to practice law anymore. We often hear stories like this about older working people who have decided that they are done with the business that they’ve put so much time and effort into, yet they still hold the same position in society and hold the same jobs they’ve always held before.

This is a shame because everyone deserves a second chance and if you choose to practice law, you shouldn’t be scared of the future. Everyone has a right to have a good family life, a job that pays the bills, and to be able to live comfortably. You need to realize that if you don’t fix your marriage problems now, it could get worse before it gets better. It’s better to fix the problem now than to have to worry about what will happen to your family or what will happen to your paycheck if you become unemployed.

The question is can a person such as Eliana Aponte re-create the magic that made her marriage special and successful? Well, maybe, but I doubt if her mind is as open as it once was. If you ask me, I think that being married for over 30 years is enough to say that something is not right. But, I am not sure if she is truly sorry as she should be, but one thing is for certain, she needs to get her marriage sorted out between her partner’s and she needs someone to show her how to do that.
