Camera and Laptop Backpack – Amazon Review


Camera and Laptop Backpack – Amazon Review

The camera and laptop backpack Amazon are not the first time we’ve seen these items being sold together. In fact, I am surprised that Amazon hasn’t already sold these backpacks as part of a bundle with speakers and other gear in it. I suppose you could argue that the two products Amazon is selling are in competition with each other since they both sell digital cameras and camcorders to consumers, but that really doesn’t give them much of a reason to join forces. The reasons are much more important to me.

You see, I would like my camera backpack to have the functionality of the camera backpack that comes with the optional laptop compartment. If the tripod holder is included but the backpack is lacking the shoulder strap or the laptop sleeve, then I would just go ahead and leave it behind. I don’t think that Amazon realizes just how much potential the extra straps and laptop compartments hold for consumers like me. I am sure there are lots of consumers out there who would love to have a place to put their gadgets when they aren’t using them, but just haven’t thought of it yet.

And just like the camera backpack Amazon has sold before, this one also has a few cons that I can live without. One of these is the lack of an adjustable strap. I find it hard to use a regular strap for a camera that weighs almost 5 pounds. But on the flip side, the adjustable strap is a must-have if you plan on taking long trips and carrying your laptop around for long periods of time.
