Brazilian Passports, Immigration Issues and Jessica Fernanda


Jessica Fernanda is the latest celebrity to be involved in a high profile case of cheating. Jessica Fernanda is a Brazilian model and actress, best known for her role as “Tina in the new Disney Channel show, The New Little Prince”. She has also appeared in a number of films and television shows, including Lost, Glee, Chuck and The OC. Recently, it was reported that Jessica Fernanda had been spotted at the offices of Jelly Belly in Burbank, California, at approximately 2 AM on 9 July, with a man that could not be immediately verified.

Jessica Fernanda’s legal age is 17, however this is not the only time that she has had either a Brazilian or an American Passport. She has also claimed citizenship in both America and Brazil. The exact reasons for this are not clear, but it is reasonable to assume that she is either trying to defer her U.S. citizenship or get herself legally settled in either country. This would make sense as far as any potential tax issues are concerned, and could help reduce the amount of taxes she would have to pay while staying in America. Additionally, Brazilian law stipulates that one cannot renounce their citizenship until they reach the legal age of 18.

It appears that Jessica Fernanda has, at least for now, escaped any serious legal consequences resulting from this episode. However, should the discovery be made public (which it very well may be) the penalties for sex crimes involving minors are severe in both countries. Brazilians face jail sentences of up to 15 years, and Americans face prison sentences of up to 30 years. This will all be determined in the case of any lawsuit against Jessica Fernanda.
