Nuria Roca is a famous Spanish author, TV presenter, actor, writer and prolific architect. Her novels are loved all over the world and have been translated into many languages including Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Korean, and Thai. In her popular television shows, Nuria Roca presented different characters, some from her past, others from her present and even some from her future. Nuria Rocaโs works have won awards from various institutions in Spain, such as the Grand Rapids Childrenโs Theatre Festival and the Teatre de Sant Jaume in Barcelona.
In this book, Nuria Roca tells the story of seven kids, or personalities who find themselves in the middle of an unfolding conflict that could change their world. The seven vidas are named Marmaduke, Lola, Paco, Pedro, Juan, Humberto and Vera, and Nuria Roca herself. Nuria Roca takes us back through history and unveils the secret behind each characterโs unique personality. All these kids live in Roca Rico, the beautiful area on the outskirts of Barcelona where they were born and raised. As they grow older, they learn about the violence and discrimination they faced growing up and how each of them developed their strong characteristics that they have used to battle against discrimination, intolerance, hatred and violence in their everyday life.
Nuria Roca brings us back to today, where we are witnesses to the continuing efforts by individuals, groups and communities to protect human rights and fight for social progress and better conditions for all. This novel gives us the unique opportunity to read the story of seven kids who found peace, love and happiness through their own individual and collective effort. The seven vidas are also given a parallel storyline where they are given tasks to accomplish in order to achieve their goals. Although it is not a novel about a specific person or group, it is a story about the universal human rights that we are entitled to enjoy.