Beren Ohde – Height And Voice


Beren Olivia is an intriguing amalgam of two diverse talents: she’s a talented singer/songwriter, and she’s also a beautiful woman. At the ripe old age of 34, Beren has already established a name for herself in the major league of UK songwriting industry. Beren has an engaging voice which expresses her emotions and sentiments flawlessly. Her lyrics are intelligent and articulate with a hint of sarcasm. The romantic songs she sings are always laced with a sense of longing and nostalgia. A lot of music lovers and listeners have fallen in love with Beren’s impressive talent which includes vocals, guitar playing, and writing.

Beren is an interesting multi-faceted talent: she’s a songwriter, songster, actress and model. She’s also a gifted gymnast who has represented her country in various competitions. But making music is really her first love and calling. Raised mostly on musicians like P!nk, Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne and Elastica, music was definitely always an integral part of the household. Beren grew up surrounded by music, even being told that her grandmother would often come to the house just to play with the drums, and speak in that language. The early years of her career were spent studying voice and guitar at university, before pursuing a professional acting career where she appeared in a few different British plays, before finally settling down into Beren Olivia’s most comfortable and visible profession which is singing.

Beren had a very typical childhood: she was born in a small town called Brugge, in Belgium where her parents worked long hours on the docks. Her father, a well-off lawyer, encouraged Beren to pursue an education, so as to leave a better life for his children. Beren’s mother, on the other hand, encouraged her daughter to follow her passion for acting, but privately confided to Beren that she wished the opportunity to pursue a career as a ballet dancer ever come about. Beren finally received her degree in voice performance at university in Antwer, in which she honed her skills with the vocal coach Joost van den Ophout. The following year Beren went to London to study with Joost and to learn from him what it takes to be an excellent singer and actor.
