Benefits of a Compost Sock


A compost sock is simply a plastic tube full of composted organic materials strategically placed along the top of sheet flow runoff for optimal control of erosion and keep sediments in flowing areas. Depending on the type of sediment being managed, contractors and landscapers may either use them to contain pollutants in urban runoff and prevent heavy wet flows or to eliminate heavy organic flows from contaminated soils. A composting yard provides the ideal growing environment for beneficial bacteria that convert organic wastes into carbon dioxide and oxygen, as well as beneficial soil microorganisms that improve the quality of the soil. The decomposition also releases beneficial nutrients such as nitrogen, which is helpful in the development of healthy plant life.

Many people use a compost sock to control erosion in a stream or other body of water that is used for recreation or for cultivation. Erosion is often one of the leading causes of flooding in lakes and streams and in lawns and gardens across many types of terrain. A composting yard produces heat that keeps soils in areas where it rains from being too wet or too dry. This prevents water from evaporating and directs it instead towards the drain or a compost drain. The presence of heat also kills off many types of invasive plants, such as Japanese Knotweed, which can quickly spread across an area when it is growing rampant.

There are a number of other uses for compost socks as well, including controlling erosion in heavily traveled paths, protecting banks from erosion by erosion, reducing flood damage by encouraging water conservation, and creating habitat for beneficial microbial life. In addition to using them for these uses, they can be thrown into a compost bin for decomposition, making it easier to recycle household waste. These eco-friendly products are easy to obtain and are inexpensive, making them a great buy for anyone who wants to cut down on their carbon footprint. By incorporating compost sock into their everyday lives, people can help save the planet while still getting a little exercise and doing something good at the same time.
