Becoming A Filipino Citizen And Build On Your Nationality As An Actress


Yasmin Lima is a talented actress and performer who have wowed us with her performances on the big screen both in small roles and leading parts. She played an integral part in the Oscar winning film “edience” and more recently in the action-packed drama “Fast and Furious.” However, it is her career which is earning her rave reviews as a performer and it is this recognition which is helping to propel her towards stardom status at a young age. Now, at the age of 24, she is poised to be one of the biggest stars in Hollywood – right from the silver screen to the stage and from the ramparts to the limousine.

At times, the line between success and failure is very fine and there are plenty of instances where young stars end up fighting hard to maintain their individual identity and pursue their careers. In the case of Yasmin Leo, however, we are talking about the possibility of becoming a Filipino national after she gets married to a Filipino man and settles down with him. While pursuing success as an actress in Hollywood, the actress may want to focus on building her career as a Philippine national even while maintaining her dual identity. This is something which is possible if she is committed to the cause of achieving her goal of becoming a Filipino citizen as soon as she becomes a married woman.

It is for this very reason that it is important that young people who aspire to be Filipino should take the same interest in pursuing nationality after they complete their education and if they are really sincere about pursuing it in their lives then it would surely help them achieve their goals. There is no doubt that a successful actress in Hollywood can never be compared to an ordinary one because they have the double advantage of being both a national and a celebrity. As a national, they can use their influence and popularity to promote and advance their cause whether it is in the field of politics or in the field of medicine. As a star, their ability to maintain their individuality and build on their personal stardom is what helps them maintain a firm hold on their citizenship even when they choose to pursue different professions after they settle down with their spouse.
