Bags of Topsoil – What You Need to Know


Bags of Topsoil – What You Need to Know

“Bags of Topsoil” is a delightful children’s book about growing vegetables. The children might be growing topsoil and eating bags of topsoil. It is an amusing book that have some excellent lessons and it just makes kids happy to draw in the soil and eat their vegetables.

In the book, a number of different people show up with bags of topsoil all ready to start gardening. One has a farm, another has chickens, and a third has puppies. They all seem quite content with this arrangement because they can each do what they want: eat, drink, sleep, or garden. The only problem is that they all live in very different worlds and they have totally different goals for their gardening experiences. It would probably be more accurate to say that these people all have topsoil but that topsoil bags are clearly visible.

When people get together and start to pool their resources, things often get a little out of hand. Bags of topsoil bags are an excellent example of how pooling resources can work to benefit everyone. Everyone gets what they need, no matter what their goals might be. Topsoil bags make for an excellent metaphor for sharing in a way that just doesn’t occur when people are simply sitting around their tents.
