Aurora Ouyang – The Professional Behind Chinese Star From Hollywood


Aurora Ouyang is currently a rising Chinese actress in Hollywood known for her roles in films such as Mermaid, Crazy Heart and The Nutcracker. She was born in southern China where the Mandarin language is spoken by the majority of the population. It is possible that her original name was Aurora Sui but given her current stage and film roles she is more likely to be called Aurora Ouyang. She is known by her stage name of Aries Ouyang. In her childhood, she also studied Chinese martial arts, ancient Chinese martial arts, ballet and she even studied acupuncture under an acupuncturist.

Aurora Ouyang was born in Los Angeles, California and is of Chinese descent. She is of the same height as many of the famous Chinese actresses that we see today such as Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Angelina Jolie and Zhu. Because of her short height and dark skin tone many Hollywood producers view her as Chinese but in actual fact she is not Chinese in any way. However, due to her strong features and ethnicity many producers and directors feel that it is better to cast a Chinese girl with the American accent and surname if that is all that is needed to make her seem more like an Asian character in a feature film than an Asian actress with very light skin and no accent. This way they do not have to change her race.

Aurora Ouyang grew up in southern China, where she learned her Chinese language from her father who was a graduate student of traditional medicine. He was very interested in studying acupuncture and herbal medicine. As he did he came into contact with several people in and around Los Angeles that also took an interest in the same things that he did. One of them was an American woman by the name of Aurora Ouyang. It was through their friendship and work that Ouyang was introduced to the Chinese acupuncture techniques that would make her a star in the field of Hollywood.
