Aurora Gozmic


Aurora Gozmic was born in Chicago, Illinois but when first called Marquette, Michigan she thought her new identity was more important than where she lived. Today she is known as Aurora Gozmic and a performer from the nation’s largest city. Born as Victoria Gozmitova in communist Czechia, she was later forced into aviation engineering. Following her flight school graduation, she married Peter Straffler and worked for him for a time as an instrument specialist with the Air Force in Europe. Following her marriage to Straffler, she worked for Bell Helicopter Corporation in Washington D.C.

While in the air she met members of the radical eco-terror group eco-terrorists that were interested in liberating humankind from the grip of Western Corporate Corporations. Some of her closest friends in this group were Jonahs Flowers, arelle Nouveau, and Brianne Oakes. The group fell apart however and it became apparent that Gozmitova had to adjust her views on life if she was to continue working with the government and in the corporate sector. So after quitting her job as an airplane engineer, she traveled to Chicago and enrolled at the University of Chicago studying for her Master of Science in Counselor Education and Supervision, aiming to become a licensed psychotherapist.

After graduating she traveled to the small town of Manteno, Illinois, a place she had only heard of in passing, but by chance on her first day there she picked up a piece of local newspaper and began to research the local newspaper archives for anything she might find interesting. One article caught her eye, which was about a newly born child who had been left an orphan due to his parents death and was raised primarily at the comfort of his foster family. When Gozmitova read the article, she decided she would like to help this child. After completing the required courses and passing all the tests she was finally accepted into the University of Chicago’s Counselor Education Program. Later she went on to become a Clinical Psychotherapist in Chicago Illinois and currently works as a psychotherapist and educational consultant working with families in various Chicagoland regions.
