Aurora Eastwood – The First Australian Player to Wear the Stripes


A relatively unknown, yet talented artist from the Aurora Eastwood household, Age of Aquamarine was immortalized in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. “Of the Fairies and the Fall” was originally published in Leaves of Paradise and includes the well known line “Of the Fairies and the Fawn, they that are old, are never more.” Although I have read the original, this lines describes the shift of mindset that every age experiences from childhood into adulthood. The difference between childhood and adulthood is change, so it seems fitting to add the word “Fawn” to describe those born into prosperity. It fits the theme perfectly and Age of Aquamarine is an excellent book to read with young children and grandchildren.

Age of Aquamarine follows the life of young Peter Bottom, from his birth in 1827 to his death in 1849. At the time, Prince Albert of Wales (a younger brother of Queen Victoria), was very keen on promoting the practice of eugenics in Britain. He believed that people of good moral character should rear children and grandchildren rather than depending entirely upon their earnings as a young person. Peter Bottom had all of the attributes that this prince admired about good people: kindness, selflessness, an easy-going manner and above all, a sense of adventure. While Peter was able to provide for his family, it was not easy to earn a living and when times were tough he turned to dancing as a means to help make ends meet.

As the story unfolds, it is evident that Peter’s dream of leaving England and establishing a home for his wife and children in the New World and Australia is one that comes to fruition. A bright future for Aurora, her husband and their son is what drew these characters to each other and their love for each other’s company defines the heart of this fascinating period in the history of sportswear. This was the year when Aurora Eastwood, a young player wearing the number one shirt, became the first player of the Australian team wore the world famous stripes.
