Ashley Wagner on Age And Figure Skating


Ashley Wagner was born in Southern California. She is currently a two-year professional ice skater for the Long Beach Ice Skating Club. She has skated professionally for the past seven years. She has also won six World Cups as a member of the United States women’s ice hockey team. Ashley has played on teams with some of the world’s best female athletes, including Lauren Lamond and Jillian Michaels.

Ashley has enjoyed a very successful playing career, but she acknowledges that part of her success has come as a product of age and genetics. “People have said that you’re as good as you get, but I think that attitude doesn’t really apply to people who are around us as much as we’re around ourselves,” she said. As a result, she said that being a part of a sports team where there is a chemistry as a team makes the competition that much more difficult. “You’re forced to go above and beyond for your partner because you don’t want them to see you otherwise,” she said. But even with a support system of other skaters, she still needs that personal relationship with her coach and other members of the sports team.

As she nears the end of her competitive playing career, she sees herself as a much happier person. “The competition and the pressure are just not fun anymore, which is why I like to enjoy being on a sports team instead of playing,” she said. “The relationship I have with the other girls on the team is so strong now that I have no problem leaving them if it’s been awhile since I’ve skated.” Being able to share the amazing journey with friends and family about reaching the next level has helped Ashley Wagner has become a much healthier, happier person. “When you’re young and getting ready to compete in figure skating competitions, you should be able to look at your partners’ faces in the stands and know that you’re making the right decision for you and them.”
