Ashley Alexander – Still officially Married?


Ashley Alexander is the former wife of National Lampoon’s John Belushi, and the mother of their son, Dean. While her professional life was considered to be thriving, professionally speaking, she never considered herself to be old until a recent appearance on American television in which her husband confronted her about her “age” (which according to him was too old to be an actress). At that point in time, Ashley seemed to enjoy the spotlight more than ever before, taking on various odd jobs (such as being a nanny and a substitute teacher), and enjoying the nastiness that was part and parcel of her natural charm.

Unfortunately, Ashley was not content with simply playing the age card; in fact, she used it as a tool to get back at her husband, to justify her own sense of infamy. As a result, she filed for a divorce from Belushi, claiming in legal documents that he had been physically abusive towards her, which was true. Ashley also went so far as to say that Belushi’s own acting was to blame for their inability to work together, citing scenes from a movie in which he spanked her. After those two incidents, Ashley and her son moved out of their home in Beverly Hills, California, to reside in New York City.

Recently however, Ashley has found the spotlight again. In an episode of the television show Dateline, Ashley appeared alongside her son in a story about her marriage to Belushi. She essentially told the story of their marriage, as if the events of that period were fresh in her mind, and she explained that while she still loved her husband, she felt like it was time to move on. While it was clear that she was still very much in love with him and considered him her best friend, it seems clear that her feelings about the legality of her marriage are nothing more than the ego-driven “I know I’m younger than him” defense she has been using for years. Regardless, Ashley is free to live her life as she pleases, and no one is going to stop her from dating, because as far as we know, she’s still legally married.
