Are Dangerous Fashion Trends destroying Your Health?


Are Dangerous Fashion Trends destroying Your Health?

One of the things that is always a part of dangerous fashion trends is the cutting of your hair. There are some women that do not like the idea of having their hair cut and so they will actually go to great lengths to make it look bad. However, you need to realize that there is only one person who is going to see what your hair looks like with the haircut, and that is you. So if you are going to make your hair look bad, then just realize that you are doing it for yourself and for your own satisfaction.

Another thing that is a part of these dangerous fashions is the wearing of many dresses that are too small for you. This is a big problem that is faced by a lot of young women today, because many women feel as though they do not have the right size clothes that they should be wearing. However, just realize that the only way that you are going to get a smaller dress is to either lose your imagination and buy a large dress that is not appropriate for you or to just find a bigger size dress and then take it in. If you are not sure what you would look like with a large dress, then it is best for you to find one that is made for you, because the last thing that you want is to end up looking like a frump.

The last dangerous fashion trend that I am going to tell you about today is the use of certain clothing materials on your body. For example, while the common materials that are used to make dresses such as a frump skirt or a crinoline are actually considered to be fine and safe for your health, you should understand that some of the materials that were used to make these dresses back in the 1800s are considered to be very dangerous for you. This is because many women died from contracting diseases caused by being in contact with the arsenic that was commonly used to make these dresses. As a result, these types of materials are no longer made, but instead the safer synthetic materials will be used. However, this does not mean that you have to let your mind loose when it comes to choosing the material for your Halloween costume, because there are still some great choices available for you.
