Anna Sofia – The star is here!


At just fifteen years of age, Canada’s Anna Sofia has established herself as a prodigious young talent making her early moves toward what could eventually be a long standing professional career with new rising single “Meantime”. Anna Sofia stands at only five feet eight inches and at only 170 pounds her looks can match that of much older actresses like Reese Witherspoon and Angelina Jolie. But even as she stands there she carries with her an undeniably appealing personality. Determined, confident and slightly scruffy, with hazel eyes and dark curly hair Anna Sofia seems to be able to take any role that comes her way, whether that be on stage or off. With this recent breakthrough it is hoped that in the future more young stars will follow in her footsteps.

Recently Anna Sofia was nominated for an Oscar for her performance in one of the year’s most talked about movies “The Social Network”. This nomination makes Anna Sofia the first ever Canadian actress to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. As such, for many people this is a major achievement and the chance for young Canadian women to step into the limelight and hope to one day fill stadiums is one of the greatest opportunities that have ever been offered to them. The question however is can Anna Sofia live up to the dreams of millions of fans around the world who have followed her career from her very young beginnings as a trainee model, to her role as an abused immigrant in “ourage” in “zac”, and now, with the chance to be a leading lady, what will happen next?

It is clear that Anna Sofia has many talents. She has the natural physical beauty of a naturally attractive woman, the wide, expressive face of an angelic beauty and the voice of a loveable character artiste. However, all of these great assets are not enough to make Anna Sofia the kind of star that she wants to be, nor does it mean that she has the ability to fulfill the role of actress and singer that she has been dreaming of since her early years in high school. This dream has become reality for Anna Sofia and now the sky is the limit for the young Canadian star, as her name is being seen by millions of television viewers in every part of the globe. With the right attitude, the combination of talent and hard work, Anna Sofia will soon find herself filling stadiums and singing songs of her dreams.
