Ann Clue Game Review


Ann Clue is the ultimate party game for those who love to play. This is one of those games that will provide hours of amusement and are perfect for getting together with friends and family for a good time. When you play Ann Clue, you are actually solving a puzzle that involves a whole cast of characters, all of which have unique qualities and characteristics. The game is set up so that every player has a specific theme, a ‘Profession’ and an ‘Age’ that they must fulfill before they begin the game. For instance, at the start of the game, there is an ‘Ann,’ a businesswoman who must solve a series of murders that she suspects are committed by her partner.

The reason this game has become so popular over the years is the fact that it successfully addresses a number of age-old problems in society. What is more interesting is that in addition to being a very enjoyable and challenging game, is that it tackles serious issues, some of which are the lack of self-confidence in men and women alike. This game has been marketed to both men and women because of its strong message of female empowerment. In fact, one of the earliest references that Ann Clue makes in the game is that of the famous ‘glass ceiling.’

One of the challenges that Ann Clue comes across early on in the game is that of the gender roles. Throughout the game, there are various instructions and descriptions about the different job types that are available to each girl. However, the only job that doesn’t seem to match any of the descriptions is the ‘policewoman,’ which seems to be a position normally held by a woman. To solve the puzzle, players must first figure out what gender they should go by and then choose a profession. A policewoman, unlike most professions, does not require much interaction, although there are certain interactions required in order to advance to higher levels.
