Angie Simpson – Female Icon


Angie Simpson is one of the most popular stand up comedians in the United States, a role which requires someone who can draw from a myriad of personal experiences to keep her viewers entertained. This is not easy for any performer and when you factor in her numerous degrees of fame and her many awards, it can be rather difficult to figure out just where she fits into all of this. In an age of image-obsessed celebrity worship, where every actor and actress are treated as a modern day supermodel, Angie stands apart with her straightforward approach to stand up comedy. She has refused to be defined by her public image and instead has remained focused on sharing genuine life with her audience.

Angie is perhaps most recognized for her role as Kelly Ripa on the MTV show Real World. There she showcased her distinct sense of humor and how her height and weight affect both her career and personal life. In her early days it was a big surprise to her fans that she had been able to maintain a relationship with her husband, even entering into semi-open marriages in order to better share her comedic gifts. Her height and weight issues for years, she eventually overcame them and now stands proud and alone as the quintessential female artiste. Her public image is defined by her association with the reality TV show, which, while long over, is still something she values on a daily basis.

As her star continues to rise and her shows and specials continue to air, there is no doubt that Angie will continue to influence women across the world. Her unique sense of humor and offbeat personality seem to invite success and laughter into anyone’s life who is willing to take the chance. As she moves into a new stage of her life, whether that be her acting career or a career in the modeling field, there is little doubt that her popularity will only continue to grow. Her rise to fame and infamy has also caused a resurgence in her personal relationships, as she has had the pleasure of sharing intimate moments with her husband in front of millions. These personal and professional relationships are what help make Angie Simpson one of the most beloved celebrities of our time.
