Angie Layton – Why She Is So Successful


Angie Layton is a British publisher and author best known for the Layton series of children’s books which have earned critical acclaim in many areas. Her first major work, Mirabelle: A Portrait, followed a young, orphaned girl who moved from foster care at an orphanage, and into a new English world. Following her footsteps, she washes ashore on a British Isle and becomes involved with a Countess of Galailla. In Mirabelle, the young Countess marries an American serviceman and travels with him across the pond to a place he calls home.

Since leaving her readers behind, Angie Layton has gone on to produce several fantasy novels for adults and children, as well as several mysteries, historical, science-fiction novels set in Europe and the United Kingdom. She is now focusing on writing historical and world novels and she often uses alternative spellings such as “Nancy” and “Ann.” For this reason, some of her readers have had trouble understanding where she writes from because her spelling is sometimes difficult to understand. For this reason, many of Angie’s readers are those who prefer to use printed books versus eBooks. Many of them have been extremely pleased with the various products from Angie Layton, especially her Layton England series, which includes the popular Nancy Bragg series.

What makes Angie’s novels so popular is that each character’s physical appearance matches their nationality, or occupation. For instance, while everyone knows that Victoria Beckham is British, the physical description of her does not match the British national stereotype. Similarly, the height of most of the characters in Angie Layton’s books is consistent, although it is not as tall as Beyonce Knowles’ or Aspen Dincin’s. However, as with many of the characters in Beyonce’s and Knowles’s celebrity families, it seems that height is not an issue for Angie Layton, nor is nationality an issue for her.
