Angie Balbini


Angie Balbiani (born in Argentina) is a famous Nationality, Argentine model and presenter. She has achieved a great deal of success both in her acting and also in her career as a model. She was named as one of the “Funniest Women” in the list of “The Best Women’s Hollywood Never Want to Miss” in 2021. In fact, she has become very popular in the United States and also in Australia. She has several films directed by Mario Coelho and has also acted in the animated movie “Kung Fu Panda” with Tigra from Disney.

What makes Angie Balbiani different from most models is that she has no qualms about selling her body in order to earn a living. As a matter of fact, this is a common practice in the modeling industry. Models are mostly interested in their faces while celebrities are usually more interested in their bodies. Balbini’s body has been subject to several articles in the press as well as in blogs and websites. She has refused to pose for any pictures with a Japanese pornography star and she was quoted as saying that she would never pose nude for anyone. This caused quite a lot of controversy in the modeling industry.

The height of this controversy is understandable because the idea that a professional model would do something such as selling her body in order to support herself is truly sickening. Furthermore, the way in which she justified her stance on the matter indicates that she believes that the two nationalities are compatible and that the two nationalities are naturally born together. In this respect, it is understandable that both Balbini and her partner are of the same size and height and that her partner’s body is the same size and height as her. However, the question that must be asked is whether or not the act of selling one’s body to support one’s career in a modeling career is compatible with the nationalities of both the individual and her partner.
