Angelica Teixeira Off Season Workout Plan


It seems like Angelica Teixeira has reached a tipping point in her career. She has four world titles and looks set to add another before too terribly long. But beyond that, what makes her such a compelling figure in both sports and entertainment? What makes people pour money into purchasing her CD’s and watching her dance in special presentations?

For starters, we all know that Angelica Teixeira is absolutely amazing at both the run and the gun. I’ve seen her do it at times and then seen her do it again, and I’m willing to bet that there’s a portion of the population out there that would give their life away for the chance to watch Angelica Teixeira in action. Now imagine if you only had a few years under your belt and were aiming for your 16th title, and you were looking at doing the same thing as Angelica Teixeira is currently doing. You might have a little trouble finding someone who’d let you into their bedroom at night, but you could t at least hope for a few sponsorship deals from sponsorships on the side, right?

In addition to her athletic prowess, you have to also consider her gluteal muscles. As a former bikini athlete, I can tell you that Angelica Teixeira had every opportunity to strengthen those legs, and that means she’s also got every opportunity to improve her glutes now that she’s hitting the mid to low range of male human body strength as opposed to simply training her core and cardio per day. That doesn’t mean that Angelica can’t take care of those muscles, because she’s a very good trainer. What I’m saying is that, like many people who are looking for sponsorship deals, you may need to look elsewhere for them. For now, you should focus on getting strong, fit, and lean as a part of an off-season workout plan, and keep in mind that when it comes to the big things, the bigger guns, Angelica Teixeira can help you to get them!
