Angelica Skofterud – A Career Journey


Angelica Skofterud is the name of a famous Namnakhoek medallist and writer, who died in Singapore. She was born in Cape Town, South Africa and was a very shy child, who would not speak much to anyone and only communicated through gestures. However, she was highly praised for her ability as an actress in the South African films in the 1950s and even received several honors for that. She also worked in the United States and became known for her television appearances on such shows as ‘Fantasy Island’ and ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’, as well as numerous film roles.

It is interesting to note that Angelica Skofterud, the famous Namnakhoek medallist and writer, did not write any of her books herself. Her novel ‘Allmighty Namnakhoek’ was actually written by her son, indicating the depth of her personal involvement with this project. However, in her role as a producer and one of the main characters in the novel’Partnership for Survival’, Angelica Skofterud does receive all the credit. In this book, she is credited as a co-author along with Ole Gabrielsen, who is responsible for the screenplay adaptation and the direction. The late Ole Gabrielsen was one of South Africa’s most successful writers, who was responsible for many of the country’s late night talk shows and talk programs, including most of the films that were made after the end of Apartheid.

One of the most popular TV programmes that was recently filmed in South Africa is the crime series ‘Anger’. This drama was created by award winning director Michael Fassbender, and was made by the Wachowski brothers. The first episode of this series aired in September last year, and has been hugely successful. Not only does Angelica Skofterud have a starring role, but also Michael Kwon, Louis Chaiken, Jaco Pastor, Esther Phillips and others. If you are looking for a new series to watch on your TV, you would do well to look to the popular streetwear ENGSTRESS line, which originated in SA. If you do not know what EngstrESS is, then watch an episode of CSI – which is based in New York – where an investigator (played by Dexter alumna rich procrastinator riccoppi) dresses up as an ordinary office worker but has a secret identity.
