Angelica Lucati โ€“ A Nationality, Height Difference and Big Heart


Is Angelica Lucaci a nationalities kind of person? When we look at the Angelica profile, she has a very busy schedule. She works from home as an administrative assistant for a law firm. This will certainly stop her from sending you personal emails, friend request or from seeing your profile. They wonโ€™t be notified either. Comments on online forums by her will also be hidden by her own default settings.

Whatโ€™s worse is that she has the wrong idea of what constitutes a relationship with a tall woman. She believes that being tall will automatically make her more attractive; and, tall women, they are out there! So, instead of reaching out to all women, she uses her height advantage to prey on men. Itโ€™s sad that she thinks itโ€™s funny when men brag about their height difference; but, itโ€™s true that height difference can play a big part in whether a guy finds you attractive.

The problem with this is that Angelica doesnโ€™t want a partner whoโ€™s tall for all we know; maybe sheโ€™s using her height difference to get closer to you. How do I know? Just look at how open-minded she is with her height-advantaged clients; sheโ€™s always willing to help other people. Sheโ€™s generous with her kindness and generosity; this means sheโ€™s kind of sneaky with her actions. If you think you have what it takes to win her heart then go for it!
