Angelica Galvo Vs Talita Nogueira – Elite Team Jiu Jitsu Fighting


After a four-year break I’m back in the ring with my original partner and former title holder Angelica Galvo. We have both made one US female wight (Amanda Loewen) lose a belt, but we haven’t fought since that time, and I find myself very confused about the division we are facing in our match. I think she is much better suited to be a lightweight now that she has lost a few fights, but I also don’t see her as being a world-class striker.

We train in Santa Monica with some great instructors who are very flexible with their techniques, but the results are always the same. We do well, but most people there are not talented enough to actually win a fight. We have a few interesting and fun matches, but no real high level competition. I see us as a combination of Dos Santo and Mike “The Colossus” Thompson, both bruisers who do not give up until there is no choice, then stand up and deliver a beating until the match is over.

We are both new to fighting and don’t really know what to expect. I have seen both women’s fights before, and I’ve never seen a female brown belt beat someone who wasn’t in training at the time, let alone someone who is experienced in fighting. It looks like Angelica is going to walk through this match like a champ, but I just don’t see her winning. Her style of fighting is more like her style of dancing, or like she was trained by Shakira. In her first match she didn’t really fight her opponent, and it looked like she was playing around at first, but once she got into the “zone” everything went well.
