Angelica A Treatise on Telefontery, Orchid People and Telecorder Techniques


The Nationality of Angelica Aurell (Aurellia S. Angelica), a famous singer and actress, is not very clear. Her birth date is not documented in any national records and all the records that do exist are somewhat contradictory. For example, in her native Argentina, she was labelled as Angelica Anguilla but when the records were brought over to the USA, she was officially named Angelica Aurell. And yet in her homeland, Angelica was known to be a fiery, temperamental woman who would often get into scrapes. All these things lead one to the conclusion that Angelica was an Italian National.

In the late sixties, Angelica was abroad in Scandinavia, where she took part in a number of theatrical events and popularized the language and singing styles of the Lapland Eskimos. There is a town called Arkangelica in the region and from there, the name of which is translated as” Angelica’s Rock”. But according to the locals, Angelica performed at the “Arkangelica Opera House” every night, bringing the performers and audience together in a harmonious and festive atmosphere. But it is also believed that Angelica performed at this same theatre as an act for money and it was not until decades later that Angelica would be identified as Angelica Aurella by the American public. After her visit to Scandinavia, Angelica travelled to Chile, where she teamed up with Alejandra Terreras who became another well-known Spanish singer.

When the Spanish civil war broke out in the thirteenth century, Angelica went with her sister, Cosmina, to the city of Barcelona. This was where the two sisters had the chance to meet and become good friends with the Spanish royal family. The two women soon married and their marriage brought about huge financial wealth for them and they decided to emigrate to Portugal where Angelica spent seven years learning the language and faking her psychic abilities in order to attract more wealthy clients. Eventually, she landed in Lisbon and worked as a translator and interpreter. During this time, Angelica Aurella began to learn the language and while in Lisbon, she met and became friends with Joao Gama. It was here that Gama gave her his blessing to begin her work as a telefonter, a personer and an orchid personer.
