Androgynous Fashion Trend


Androgynous Fashion Trend

A recent development in the field of fashion trends is androgynous fashion. This type of design is an extension of the more classic “Transgender” fashion that has been dominating the fashion scene for the past couple of years. But androgynous fashion has brought with it some different elements than traditional transgendered fashions. Androgynous clothing can be defined as a mixture of two distinct styles: traditionally masculine clothing and sometimes even clothing that is considered to be very feminine, or even a “butch” style. Many times this type of dress would be worn by men who wish to dress like women, and women who wish to dress more like men.

If you wish to take part in this androgynous fashion trend, there are many things that you should know about the different types of androgynous clothing available out there. The first type of androgynous clothing would be a skirt/dress that is entirely made of fabric. This type of dress would mostly be worn by women that wish to be perceived as women and would possibly be seen in a formal environment or by people outside of the community. The second type of androgynous fashion trend would be that of a dress that has some sort of asymmetry to it.

In the case of the skirt/dress that has some sort of asymmetry to it, this would then be complemented by a very flowing top that is more fitted and generally more revealing than the skirt. One other aspect of androgynous fashion trends would be the use of accessories such as jewelries, jewelry sets, and various types of shoes. Accessories are a great way to enhance the appearance of a person and therefore they should be worn both with the dress and with the skirt/dress. And lastly, there will also be a plethora of different hairstyles and haircuts to choose from when it comes to androgynous fashion trends.
