An American Citizen by Angie Thomas


Angie Thomas is a 20-year-old professional who is currently an American citizen by birth. She has written over forty novels, including several books of romance and science fiction. Her first book, The Hate U Give, was released in February 2021. In this release, Thomas shares her views on the politics of hate and what it means to be an American today.

Nationality is a very interesting concept in American life. While every person born in this country is automatically a “national” citizen, the meaning of “national” varies from one individual to another depending on their birth country, length of time living in that country, and other circumstances. For example, while some people born in Barbados are considered British subjects by the British crown because they were born there, others born in the Caribbean are not granted citizenship because they are not deemed “white.” Nationality is often used in literature as a way to differentiate between various groups of people or as an explanation for why certain characters behave or act a certain way in a story.

Angie Thomas’ new novel, On the Come Up (published February 2021) offers a character’s insight into what it means to be an American citizen by contrasting it with the realities of her own domestic life as a stay-at-home mother and a professional in a prestigious publishing company. By examining the contrasting nationalities experienced by her new partner, an experience that teaches her much about loyalty and commitment, Angie Thomas gives readers much in the way of an understanding of the concepts of nationality, class, and identity. On the Come Up shares the experiences of an American expat, and examines how choosing your identity and sharing your past can enrich your future.
