American Dream – Actors – Real Or Fake?


Francesca Willow is an Australian-born actress, singer and dancer who have wowed us with her numerous roles in the movie industry. However, her true passion is in portraying original characters from different cultures, such as the Japanese on the television program “Highlands” and thegianne de Chocolat on the movie “Mystic River”. As a member of the cast of “Singing for Men”, Francesca Willow made her first Australian film “Slow Love” in 1995 and went on to play several more roles in the movies, such as “Me and Earl Grey” and “The Perfect Score” for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. Additionally, she also guested on the television series “ER” as Anna Kournikova. In all these appearances, Francesca has established her unique brand of chic, sophisticated beauty.

Today, Francesca Willow is comfortable representing the people of many nationalities. She knows how to bring out the best in any kind of role no matter the age, gender, or ethnicity of the person because she understands how each of these people view life and appreciates their individuality. This ability to appreciate and understand each other’s differences has also made Francesca a very loyal and supportive friend. During filming of “Mystic River”, Francesca Willow realized that being an actor/actress is not all about winning awards or being popular in the industry. Instead, the real success comes from doing what is right and following your heart. Being true to your inner self and knowing your values is the secret to having lasting relationships and connecting with the people who are closest to you.

Today, there are many opportunities for women who are passionate about their career and country and want to stay true to their authentic selves. Actors such as Francesca Willow have an opportunity to explore their inner passions while having the opportunity to work with some of the most glamorous and elegant people in the world. If you are passionate about your career but are not happy with your own identity or are not comfortable or confident showing it, you can start by considering your own hobbies and interests and finding out if you have what it takes to be part of the American dream. If you do, then consider a career in acting.
