Alice Hector – Nationality Model


Alice Hector is known as the Nationality Model. She has been a name that is recognized by modeling agencies all over the world and was even named the top model of the year 2021. Alice was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is of Spanish descent. Alice’s parents are Hispanic and thus nationality or race do not matter to her; this however does not mean that she has not acknowledged her own ethnicity or nationality.

Alice has been criticized on several occasions for not being fully candid in regards to her real or legal profession. However, there is little that is actually hidden from the public records regarding Alice’s profession or her height. It is safe to assume that Alice is of Asian decent given the fact that she has been married at least five times and all of these were documented in court records as occurring in various states throughout the United States.

There have also been other accusations that Alice is an alias of an even older woman of the same ethnicity, though these charges seem far fetched given the fact that Alice is of Asian descent and yet her name is still a common one in the United States. Given the fact that Alice’s profession and race are still matters of public record it would be easy to find any court records regarding the alleged marital infidelities provided the woman in question is willing to share this information with the public. Her many admirers in Hollywood however, are left wondering how true these accusations are and why the public cannot seem to get straight facts about Alice’s true height and occupation.
