Aida Shaaban – A Chefs Dreams In The Kitchen


Sexism is certainly one of the more pressing issues that all females struggle against on a regular basis, from derogatory terms such as women should just be working at home s like housewives to sexist terms like “boys can’t eat enough chips,” but still women still face numerous obstacles getting to a male-oriented restaurant. This did not stop Chef Aida Shaaban of pursuing her dream. She felt like an ant that was being slowly destroyed by the sand. She was repeatedly denied entry to certain male run establishments because of her height and physique; this included an upscale French restaurant that she had spent countless hours dreaming about working her magic in.

But the Egyptian chef’s determination and tenacity would see her through it all. Working in Egypt as an exotic and ethnic cuisine cook for the rich and famous also required strength to withstand the hot temperatures that were used to cook exotic dishes and not succumb to the hundreds of illnesses that are common amongst people who work in this industry. Like many female culinary hopefuls working in the food industry, Aida Shaaban faced many obstacles in her quest to be in a position where she could advance in her career. After years of rejection and hardships in her attempts to break into the cooking industry, a chance arose when she was invited to join the prestigious International Culinary Center in New York City as an assistant chef.

Despite the unfair circumstances of her early days in the cooking industry, Shaaban perseveres and is currently serving as one of the most accomplished chefs in the world. She has become so successful due to her commitment to ensuring that gender and injustice are no longer barriers to equal opportunity in kitchens around the world. Although Aida Shaaban may have faced some hardships, she is now leading the charge and helping women to pursue their dream of working in kitchens around the world. By maintaining her commitment to being an advocate for women in the food industry and advocating for the rights of women in the work place, Aida Shaaban has become a true trailblazer and has set the standard for the success of many women in various industries including the food industry.
