Aida Sabra and Her Nationality


Aida Sabra is a famous character from Indian Mythology. The story behind her is that she was the daughter of King Agnus and his consort Penelope. She had also been the sibling of Telesphore, a king of Tamil Nadu, and his consort Artemisia. After her brothers were killed in a battle, she was left as a widower and took to farming. However, she fell in love with a local boy, Krishna, and married him.

It is said that she had once gone to a well in order to draw water for her household, but ended up being transformed into a snake-like creature by the god of knowledge, Agni. He then transformed her into a Deva (or “devotion”) so that she could pray to him. According to Hindu mythological stories, Agni gave her the art of reading the palm tree, which is what she used to find her partner in life, Lord Krishna. When she finished reading the palm tree, she was told that only she could find true love and serve him with her devotional skills.

Height is one of the few subjects that are brought up in depth during Aida Sabra’s play. While it may not be possible to state exactly how tall she was at any given time, certain descriptions and events do reflect a height difference between the characters of the play and their respective spouses. Krishna was said to be three feet in height, while Aida was often described as being about five feet in height and kept that position throughout the marriage. Agni was also said to be well over six feet in height, but it is unclear whether this is correct as Agni’s actual height is almost never described.
