Aida Ghajar – Gender Barriers and Academic Success


Aida Ghajar was an extraordinary woman, who in the seventeenth century fought a great battle in the court of Shah Jahan and won the argument that was related to the issue of gender and age. It is believed that Aida Ghajar had an actual affair with the son of Shah Jahan. But, the age gap between the two was such that the lady must have used the age difference as her weapon to win the argument. Age difference laws were not in existence when she fought her first battle and therefore, it is considered that she might have used her gender difference to her advantage. Age difference laws were introduced later after this event and since then, they have been in use.

Aida was born to a poor family and her mother used to bring shame on her by dressing up in white clothes and by begging to make Aida feel better. The lady was brought up to believe that she should marry and to get a good position in the society and as a result of this, she went ahead to enter the professional field. As soon as she graduated, she realized that there were many other women who also have a similar profession as hers and she wondered why she was given preference over the other women. This question occupied Aida and she decided to enter a mathematics career to help her support her family. However, she was disappointed as her father had passed away and she was forced to leave college when she realized that she could not get into a medical profession due to the gender barrier.

Aida Ghajar did not feel that age difference could prevent her from being a successful and well established doctor. She had a vision in her mind and that was to become a renowned doctor and she used her height difference as one of the tools to achieve her goal. Aida Ghajar became a famous personality in the region and even had the courage to challenge various barriers like the racial and social ones. It is seen that Aida Ghajar’s case was not an isolated incident as there are many doctors who are facing various hurdles when it comes to gender norms. With the advent of technology, every obstacle seem to be lessened but this does not mean that Aida can take her place in the society.
