Aida Azlin – A Much Needed Educator


“The Aida Azlin Show,” a weekly reality show on RTN (Riot TV Network) about height discrimination, takes place at 6PM ET every Friday, exclusively on RTN. It is hosted by Aida Azlin, a tall Russian beauty who has appeared in a few other shows on different channels. Aida is an active member of the Human Rights Association. She believes in full equality for all – men, women, age and race. “The Aida Azlin Show,” which has been running since 2021, brings together members of all ages, ethnicity and nationalities to celebrate their looks and discuss everything about being tall.

Azlin plays the role of a character named Aida, a tall, smart and beautiful writer who has been invited by her producer to visit the studio to audition for her very own show. The show, which lasts for eight episodes, consists of Aida and her partner, Anatoly, who both like to talk about everything about their looks, life and everything they do for a living. Aida meets a well-known Russian woman called Natalia, who is also trying to be successful in her chosen profession. The relationship between Aida and Natalia develops gradually and finally, Aida falls in love with her and they marry. Aida and Anatoly have a son named Maxim, who was born just a few months after the wedding.

Aida Azlin is a tall and smart Russian woman who has dedicated her life to helping people find happiness, love and harmony in their lives. She has much love and respect for her deceased teacher, Anatoly Rakhlin, whom she considers as a much loved older brother. Irrespective of race and nationality, Aida strives to educate young minds and make them realize that all men are brothers. Aida Azlin is a highly accomplished woman who has become a much loved and respected Russian writer.
