Age Verification At Valentina Bakery


The Age, an Italian national daily newspaper, features a full-page feature on Valentina Bakery. The bakery owned by Corinto Castelluccio is located in Modena, Italy. The article includes the Bakery’s latest promotion: an Italian version of Wheaties. The bakery sells a variety of wafers, cookies and pastries. A representative from Bakery explains that they chose to create this product for their customers, given that it fits their own company image of providing a quality snack and cake at a price people can afford.

According to the Bakery’s representative, they use an age check to determine the minimum age of customers who can order the products. Customers over a specific age are asked to show a valid ID and undergo a strenuous screening process to confirm their identity. If the customer passes their verification, they can place an order with confidence, knowing that the quality will be true to Bakery’s standards. Customers over sixty are also asked to provide a letter from a doctor confirming their current height. This ensures that the bakery does not sell products that are dangerous to older consumers, given that a lot of germs can spread through mouthwash.

Valentina Bakery aims to combine the personal and professional aspects of the business. They have a dedicated team of consultants to help Bakery customers understand cultural differences and match their preferences with the appropriate offerings of the business. In Italy, there are certain standards that are considered to be a notch above the rest. In order to gain the approval of the customers, the Bakery partners with an International Department that works with an international team of experts and agents. All partners work together to ensure that the business continues to grow and that the customers get the highest quality service possible.
