Age or Nationality Do Not Matter For Succeeding In Business


Sandra Daukshta is an entrepreneur with the global brand, Kola Partners Limited. She also has an affiliation with the IDP (International Diamond Council). As an entrepreneur, she is responsible for the design and creation of marketing campaigns. As a public speaker, she regularly gives presentations to increase the awareness of governments and organizations on issues regarding age discrimination.

The presentation she gave recently about being an Indian woman growing up in poverty brought the issue to the forefront. She used her own story to explain how she overcame the hardships to become an entrepreneur. Her message was one of sharing the positive qualities that can be accomplished by anyone despite their background or ethnicity. She shared that she had struggled as a child but grew to be an inspiring leader.

If you would like to have a successful and prosperous career despite your age or nationality, then working with Sandra Daukshta would be ideal for you. She has managed to combine her love of womenโ€™s careers and her passion for community service. Daukshta sees herself as a social entrepreneur who helps communities create economic growth while promoting social awareness. This combination of community service and business will make you feel empowered as you start your own venture. This is what success truly is!
