Age Old Strength – Dana Hanin


Partnering with Dana Hanin, a tall blonde from Los Angeles, California, Bill Darrow joins forces to battle the evil Dr. Maxoff who is intent on destroying the World Trade Organization. Maxoff plans to use the World Bank to finance his nefarious plan, but Dana and Bill are there to stop him and rescue the World. This book was a very good read, even though it may seem like a short book compared to others in its class. Like many others who have read this great book, I found that it kept me reading because of its excellent plot line and the way it kept me interested in what was going on in the main characters’ lives.

Hanin is a petite woman who looks younger than her years, due to her having had an engagement and later marriage before getting herself taller by having cosmetic surgery. But despite her seeming youth, she has the strength of a woman in her seventies. She is a brilliant linguist, a very accomplished writer, and is an accomplished political analyst. But perhaps her greatest asset is that she is the quintessential female of strength, courage, attractiveness, intelligence, and originality. It is hard to find a woman who has achieved all these things, yet Hanin is one of them.

I think it is safe to say that Hanin belongs in the same category as another woman of tremendous strength, intelligence, beauty, and originality, Queen Cleopatra. Like Cleopatra, Hanin rose to power through her own talents, but unlike Cleopatra, she did not have a natural beauty that attracted men, nor did she magically appear out of the blue at the first opportunity. Instead, Dana Hanin worked her way up through the ranks of politics, earned a degree in philosophy, studied law, served in the Peace Corp., and then worked in the State Department in Washington, D.C. Her official title in the United States government was associate professor of history at the University of Virginia, but her title is more fitting since her real profession was international affairs. Her long and distinguished career deserves our appreciation for her many contributions to our great country and her commitment to helping all Americans remain secure and confident.
