Age of Stars by Emma Baizan Book Review


Emma Baizan’s debut novel, Age of Stars, is set in the post-apocalyptic world of post-World War II America. The world has been devastated by a virus that kills all adults and some young children. Emma, who has the appearance of an adult in her mid-thirties, becomes the target of the disease and its death toll. While working in New York City, Emma meets a young man, Sebastian, whom she falls in love with. Together they travel across the country, visiting places like Los Angeles and San Francisco – areas famous for their biohazards, such as the Black Death and plague. When they encounter a vampire, they are bitten and become infected with the Vampiress’ blood, transforming into a monster-like creature.

But instead of destroying the city, the Vampiress flees to Louisiana, where she establishes a haven for humanity. However, she is not alone, as there are other vampires and their offspring, called the Vampires, who want to take over the place. And although she is helping those who need help, there are still times when Emma will have to put up a fight herself, for example, when a group of armed men attacked her and Sebastian. They managed to take down the herd, but during the battle, Emma nearly lost her life when a bullet hit her heart and killed her instantly.

This action-filled book tells the story in two timelines. In the first, we see the Vampiress and Emma’s early relationship and what the character gains from it. Then, in the second timeline, we follow after the war, as she comes to terms with her transformation. The first few pages of the second timeline almost give the impression that the author is telling a story about Emma’s love life, but as events unfold, we come to know more about her and about the people around her. In a way, Age of Stars is a coming of age novel, a love story between a teenager and a woman who may be older than she looks.
